The mission of the Quogue Historical Society is to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of Quogue in order to foster among its residents and the broader community a deeper understanding and appreciation of the rich cultural and architectural heritage of the Village. The Society fulfills its mission through three main programs: education, collections care and research, and the preservation of historic buildings and sites.
The Education Program includes temporary exhibitions and events, as well as publication of books on local history; slide lectures and talks; and special projects.

The Children’s Art Show is held each year in August. Entries are judged by local artists and prizes are awarded. In preparation, Art Lessons are taught by a local art teacher. The Children’s Art Show and Lessons are supported in part by the Counselman-Oxholm Fund.
Collections Care and Research

navy blue velvet wedding dress, ca. 1880.
The Society’s Collections include two historic buildings, the 1822 Schoolhouse and an early 20th century Smokehouse, as well as artifacts, clothing and textiles, memorabilia, photographs, diaries, letters, maps, and other historic documents associated with the history of Quogue.Historic photographs of Quogue and the surrounding area number more than 2,500, including beach scenes, historic buildings, the 1938 hurricane, Quogue residents, local businesses, churches, schools, clubs, and street scenes.
The present collections have been largely acquired through voluntary gifts. The Society gladly accepts, within its display and storage capabilities, gifts of such materials.
Historic Preservation

The Society believes that the preservation and enhancement of Quogue’s historic resources are central to maintaining the unique character and gracious charm of the Village — its “sense of place.”The Society is committed to furthering this preservation ethic through such efforts as educational outreach; documentation of Quogue’s 18th, 19th, and early 20th century buildings and sites; and the recognition of historic structures that reflect Quogue’s rare and precious architectural past.
On February 2, 2016, the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior approved the Quogue Historic District for listing in the National Register of Historic Place. “Contributing” properties (i.e., retaining their historic integrity) within the Historic District are individually listed in the National Register and eligible to obtain a plaque that recognizes their historic significance. If you are an owner of a “contributing” property, we hope you consider purchasing a plaque.